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Executive Summary: Client wishes to convert to a non-profit.
Challenges: Client’s business has faced severe challenges related to infrastructure and needs community assistance in order to survive and cash flow.
Consultant’s (redacted) e-mail to a Kansas SBDC client on business strategy:

“As we have discussed, you are considering converting your business to a nonprofit. I have prepared the attached document for your review and consideration.
I recommend you consider forming a Public Benefit Corporation (PBC) with a worker cooperative ownership structure. There are several reasons for my recommendation:
– The PBC would allow leeway in board decisions and signal to everyone involved that your focus is on your beneficial mission as well as the interests of the stockholders.
– The worker cooperative could also impact the perception of the (business) as not just a profit-focused business.
– Creating a worker cooperative could open up doors for community investment in the business. You might be able to attract community investment that not only funds the conversion, but could also fund a solution to the (redacted) problem at your venue. I don’t think you can sustain the business without solving this problem, and I think the community will back a solution once they understand the loss to the community if the (business) doesn’t survive.
This is a big decision that will require more analysis of the costs and benefits. I thought the attached document might be a good initial conversation starter with your stakeholders.
I am happy to assist you in exploring these options, or any others you want to pursue.”
If that sounds like the kind of conversation you want to have about your business, start here to meet with an advisor: Become a client